''She knew she was formed by God's hands dreamed up in His heart & placed in this world for a purpose''

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Bloom where you are planted.

  I came across these quotes this week, and I really had on my heart to share it on this blog with all of you. They mean a lot to me. At times, I feel like living the experiences that I had once again, such as travelling to another country. Then I realize that,  the Lord can bring similar ones along in the future, in His time. I'm so thankful that He is in charge of my life. It's so neat that whatever happens in our life is for a reason. God know what's ahead for all of us. That simple thought, brings a smile on my face :-)
  "God calls you to the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."
Fredrich Buechner
"Trips like this aren't vacations. They are so much more. These experiences show you what's possible and challenge you to examine the paths you'll take in the future. "