''She knew she was formed by God's hands dreamed up in His heart & placed in this world for a purpose''

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Another journey in Haiti

In less than two weeks from today, June the 11th, I will be half across the world once again!  This time, my parents, James and I, we will stay for a longer period of time; sixteen days to be precise:-) I finished school last Friday so I am free from homework for a couple of months!  It feels as if I just arrived not so long ago from Haiti, but it was actually last August! I am planning to post while I am there, so all of you who wants updates, there"s going to be some once in a while :-) We pretty much packed everything already, such as the supplies to do the activities with the kids during the day. We`ll take one day at a time, and see what God has in store for each of them. My prayer is that wherever we'll be, we will be a testimony to those we meet, as well as an encouragement. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated:-)

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